SF Marina Harbor Annual Meeting -Thursday, Jan.14, 2021

Meeting Notices

SF Marina Harbor Annual Meeting – Thursday, January 14, 2021 – 7 PM Pacific – via ZOOM
To join the webinar please click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89143935196

Or call 1 669 900 9128
Webinar ID: 891 4393 5196

Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers and Directors

Establishment of working parties on:
– Docks, gates, wi-fi, bathrooms, dredging – all physical aspects of the harbor
– Review and oversight of Harbor finances; operations, capital improvements, variance analysis – Actual versus Plan
– Rules and Regulations – out of date and need to be more rational
– East Harbor Project – light a fire under it!
– Communications to and among berth holders – social media, website, email, and meetings

Harbormaster, Scott Grindy, will attend and discuss a wide range of topics, plus take Q&A – details below:
– East Harbor Renovation – Scope and Timing
– West Basin Entrance Dredging
– Repurposing former harbormaster office building – Additional bathrooms for berth holders versus chandler and yacht broker
– West Harbor Security Camera System
– Wi-Fi so berth holders can install cameras on their boats
– Parking issues – problems with commuters, RVs, and Uber/Lyft drivers – metering the parking spaces to eliminate all-day commuter parking is under discussion

Our nominating committee has proposed the following slate of officers, and we’ll take nominations from the floor:

President, Mark Hensley | mph47@aol.com
Vice President & Treasurer, Bruce Stone | bruce@brucestone.com
Secretary & Webmaster, Kurt Hemmingsen | dksailor.kh@gmail.com
Director, Albert Wetter | Albert@awetter.com
Director, Alex Mulder | Alex@polaris-re.com
Director, Al Cavey | alcavey2@msn.com
Director, Risley Sams | risleysams@yahoo.com

We post meeting minutes and archives at www.sfmarinaharbor.org and you can renew your membership using PayPal at http://sfmarinaharbor.org or by check – just $60 for three years!

Please share this notice with other berth-holders who might not be members. See you at the meeting via ZOOM on the 14th!

Bruce J. Stone
Acting President, SF Marina Harbor Association
917-822-4060 cellular

Annual Meeting 23 Jan 2020

Meeting Notices
We will hold our next Annual Meeting at 7 PM on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at the Golden Gate YC.
Presentation by Harbor Master Scott Grindy regarding current projects and priorities
— Dredging plans; potential extension of breakwater south from Wave Organ
— Harbor Security, Staffing, Parking, More Cameras
— Renovation of degaussing station and timing of moving the office
— East Harbor
Update from the Harbor Association
Election of officers & directors for the coming year – please contact us if you are interested
in serving, as well as any additional topics you’d like us to research before the meeting.

Annual Meeting 2018

Meeting Notices

The next Annual Meeting will be held at 7 PM on Thursday, January 18, 2018 at the Golden Gate YC to elect new officers and directors. Harbor Master Scott Grindy will provide an update on the harbor. Please use the agenda link below to see topics for discussion.
Annual Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting 2016

Meeting Notices
We will hold our next Annual Meeting at 7 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Golden Gate YC to elect new officers and directors, and discuss issues with respect to the harbor:
Dock Captain program
Potential relocation of Harbormaster’s Office to degaussing station, freeing-up space for toilets and showers dedicated to berth-holders
Roll-out of security cameras & harbor-wide Wi-Fi
Timeline of East Harbor renovation project and impact on berth-holders
Possible extension of jetty to mitigate build-up of sand at West Harbor entrance
While most of our officers and directors are willing to serve for another year, we encourage you to contact us or speak up during the meeting as nominations will be taken from the floor. Also, please send along additional topics you’d like us to research before the meeting, and share this notice with other berth-holders who might not be members. See you on the 10th at GGYC!