SF Marina Harbor Annual Meeting – Thursday, January 14, 2021 – 7 PM Pacific – via ZOOM
To join the webinar please click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89143935196
Or call 1 669 900 9128
Webinar ID: 891 4393 5196

Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers and Directors
Establishment of working parties on:
*Docks, gates, wi-fi, bathrooms, dredging – all physical aspects of the harbor
*Review and oversight of Harbor finances; operations, capital improvements, variance analysis – Actual versus Plan
*Rules and Regulations – out of date and need to be more rational
*East Harbor Project – light a fire under it!
*Communications to and among berth holders – social media, website, email, and meetings

Harbormaster Scott Grindy will attend and discuss a wide range of topics, plus take Q&A – details below:
East Harbor Renovation – Scope and Timing
West Basin Entrance Dredging
Repurposing former harbormaster office building – Additional bathrooms for berth holders versus chandler and yacht broker
West Harbor Security Camera System
Wi-Fi so berth holders can install cameras on their boats
Parking issues – problems with commuters, RVs, and Uber/Lyft drivers – metering the parking spaces to eliminate all-day commuter parking is under discussion
Our nominating committee has proposed the following slate of officers, and we’ll take nominations from the floor:

President – Mark Hensley mph47@aol.com
Vice President & Treasurer – Bruce Stone bruce@brucestone.com
Secretary & Webmaster – Kurt Hemmingsen dksailor.kh@gmail.com
Director – Albert Wetter albert@awetter.com
Director – Alex Mulder alex@polaris-re.com
Director – Al Cavey alcavey2@msn.com
Director – Risley Sams risleysams@yahoo.com

We post meeting minutes and archives at www.sfmarinaharbor.org and you can renew your membership using PayPal at www.sfmarinaharbor.org/memberhome.asp or by check – just $60 for three years!

Please share this notice with other berth-holders who might not be members. See you at the meeting via ZOOM on the 14th!

Bruce J. Stone
Acting President, SF Marina Harbor Association
917-822-4060 cellular